Brief History of Jewish Ethnic Cleansing in Muslim Countries! #muslim #

The Son Of Hamas Educating With Truth.

Great Fallacy That Most Muslims And Immigrants Get Discriminated.

Super Man, The Great  Counter Terrorism.

If you could be a character from a book or film, who would you be? Why? I would  love  to be superman to eliminate  all terrorists leaders organizations  as hamaz, and Hezbolla those that are against  the  west, Israel,  and the  jews..

What is Nationality

this video is about nationality, as you can see, information based in  compiled many dictionaries, and use common sense and logic, nationality is the nation of origin, meaning the nation that the person born, but there is a subcategory in nationality ,and that is the people who become naturalized meaning someone from another nation goContinue reading “What is Nationality”

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